Announcement : 

Welcome back to School!  Te Puke Primary starts again at 9am, Monday 3rd February

Supreme Sport

Supreme Sport is our elite leadership group within Te Puke Primary.

There is no set number for this group, as tamariki are chosen based on if they show promising signs of leadership qualities amongst their classmates, impressive sporting ability, as well as effort and good behaviour in class. Overall, Supreme Sport members must be role models to all TPPS students by consistently displaying our school values and leading by example in and out of the classroom.

Our leaders have an increased responsibility, as they spend two of their break times per week to keep our sport shed open and running. It is expected of our members that they are present and punctual for all their duties whilst also taking the initiative to cover if there is someone absent. The sports shed is a major responsibility for our members and they must show respect to it and all the equipment inside.

It is a privilege being in this group and as such, we get to go on three amazing school camps. Two of these are overnight: Lake Karapiro Kayak trip in Term 1 and Ski Camp in Term 3 as well as a Surfing day trip in Term 4. Whilst these trips are designed for some team bonding and to have some fun away as a group, our main aim is to provide our tamariki with sporting opportunities they may not ever experience in their lifetime.

Each year we hold a trial in Term 4 consisting of a few different games and exercises in order to observe how the tamariki work individually and as a team. Based on the trial, sporting commitments/achievements and input from kaiako, we then decide on our group. The only conditions for Supreme Sport are that it is solely made up of Yr 6 students and members must be playing a sport within school (or outside but this needs to be communicated).

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Krystal Cooper or Matua Anton.


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