Announcement : 

Welcome to Te Puke Primary

Learning Support

At Te Kura Tuatahi o Te Puke, we are deeply committed to providing a nurturing and inclusive learning environment for all our students. Our Learning Support program is designed to empower every child to reach their full potential, regardless of their individual learning needs.

We believe that every learner is unique, and we embrace diversity as a strength within our kura. Our dedicated team of experienced and compassionate educators works closely with students, whānau, and the wider school community to identify and address specific learning requirements.

Through personalised learning plans and targeted interventions, we strive to remove barriers to learning and create pathways for success. Our focus on early identification and timely support ensures that students receive the assistance they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Our Learning Support specialists collaborate with classroom teachers to implement effective strategies, ensuring that all students can actively engage with the curriculum. We provide a range of resources, technologies, and teaching methodologies to cater to different learning styles, ensuring an inclusive and supportive learning experience for every child.

At Te Kura Tuatahi o Te Puke, we celebrate the progress and achievements of each student. We firmly believe that by fostering a strong sense of self-confidence and resilience, we empower our learners to overcome challenges and embrace their unique strengths.

We welcome open communication with whānau, valuing their insights and contributions in shaping the best possible learning journey for their children. Together, we create a collaborative and supportive partnership that ensures our students flourish and become confident, capable, and independent lifelong learners.

Whether it’s through one-on-one support, group activities, or differentiated teaching approaches, our Learning Support program is dedicated to creating an inclusive and enriching educational experience for all students at Te Kura Tuatahi o Te Puke.

Introducing our Learning Support Coordinator

Ko Tararua tōku māunga
Ko Mangaore tōku awa 
Ko Punahau tōku roto
Nō Horowhenua ahau
Ko Roni Sayer tōku ingoa

Kia ora, my name is Roni Sayer and I am the Learning Support Coordinator (LSC) at Te Puke Primary School. Originally from Horowhenua, I moved to the Bay of Plenty in 2020 to be closer to my whānau. This is my fourth year at Te Puke Primary School.

The role of the LSC is to work alongside teachers, children, and their whānau from across the school when the need for additional support is identified. I liaise with outside support agencies to determine the best pathways for learning success. I also work with and support our valuable team of Teacher Aides.

The purpose of the LSC role is to ensure children and young people with additional learning needs have access to the services they need. I mainly focus on these five areas associated with learning support needs:

– support students through building an inclusive environment where all students participate, progress and make successful transitions.
– support kaiako/teachers to best meet the needs of learners.
– support for parents and whānau to develop an understanding of learning support processes and who to contact if needed. I will ensure the voice of parents, whānau, and children are understood and heard when decisions about learning are being decided.
– work with other LSCs across the cluster, and connect with the Learning Support Facilitator and wider agencies, such as Oranga Tamariki—Ministry for Children, to access services and resources to support learners.
– work alongside the school’s leadership team to ensure all students receive the appropriate support to enhance their learning and progress.

If you have any queries or concerns about anything relating to your child/children or would like support for you or your whānau please feel free to contact me


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