Announcement : 

Welcome to Te Puke Primary


Enrolments at Te Puke Primary

Complete the online enrolment form and either email or bring in for photocopying the following documents:

  • NZ birth certificate or NZ passport (if NZ citizen) OR
  • Australian passport (if Australian citizen) OR
  • NZ residency permit or NZ student visa/permit and Parental work permit (if the child is not a NZ citizen).
  • Record of Vaccinations / Immunisation certificate
  • Completed enrolment form (if done on paper)
  • 2 x Forms of proof of address required. 1st = Utility bill, water or rates bill, and 2nd = Rental or housing purchase agreement.
  • A copy of any Court Order Documents (if applicable)

We will then get in touch with you to arrange a meeting with our Deputy Principal, Krystal Cooper.  Start dates are normally on the Monday following this.  Students can not start until we have received all the required documents.

Tepuke Primary Prospectus

Cohort Entry – New Entrant Students

Cohort entry refers to new entrant children starting school as a group, at the beginning or mid-point of a term, AFTER THEIR FIFTH BIRTHDAY as opposed to starting school on their fifth birthday. Parents will continue to have the option of not starting their child in school until their 6th birthday, regardless of whether or not TPPS has a cohort entry policy.

  • We will now have two intake periods each term – at the start of term and at mid term.  Please see the dates below.
  • All new entrants who turn 5 before the start of the term can start at the beginning of that term, or at a later mid term or start of term date before their 6th birthday.
  • If their birthday falls after the start of term but before the mid term date, they can enrol on the mid term date, or at a later start of term or mid term date before their 6th birthday.
  • Children must have turned 5 before they can enrol in school.

We will have eight dates during the year where new entrants start in the classroom. Students won’t be starting school on their birthday.

Te Puke Primary Enrolment Zone

Enrolment Scheme

Effective from January 2017

The guidelines for development and operation of enrolment schemes are issued under section 11G (3) of the Education Act 1989 for the purpose of describing the basis on which the Secretary’s powers in relation to enrolment schemes will be exercised.

Home Zone

All students who live within the home zone described below (and shown on the map) shall be eligible to enrol at the school (evidence such as rental agreement, utility bills etc will be required upon enrolment).

Starting at number 1841 Tauranga East Road/Te Puke Highway head across to the northern end of Seddon Street. All even numbers on Seddon Street are in zone.

Follow Seddon Street down to the intersection with Station Road, then cross over and head down Jocelyn Street. Both sides of Station Road are included starting with numbers 9 (odd numbers) and 22 (even numbers). Only odd numbers on Jocelyn Street are in zone.

Continue down Jocelyn Street and across Commerce Lane and Tauranga East Road/Te Puke Highway/Jellicoe Street. Commerce Lane is not in zone. Both sides of Tauranga East Road/Te Puke Highway/Jellicoe Street from number 120 are in zone.

At the intersection of Jocelyn Street and Boucher Avenue, head south to Glen Terrace. Both sides of Boucher Avenue are in zone between numbers 1 and 45. Only odd numbers are included between Gilmour Street and Glen Terrace. Both sides of Glen Terrace are in zone.

Follow Glen Terrace west then turn into Moehau Street. At number 31 Moehau Street take a direct line to Dowman Place. Odd numbers between number 1 and number 31 Moehau Place are in zone. All of Dowman Place is in zone.

Follow Dowman Place into Herbert Street then onto Cameron Road. All of Herbert Street is in zone. All of Hastings Street is in zone. Cameron Road to number 94 (even side) and 107 (odd side) at the intersection with Gisborne Road is in zone. All of Gisborne Road is in zone.

From the end of Gisborne Road, head west to No 3 Road. All of No 3 Road and its side streets are in zone, including all of No 4 Road, Harray Road and Demeter Road.

From the end of No 4 Road the zone heads north to the end of Te Puke Quarry Road. All of Te Puke Quarry Road is in zone. From the end of Te Puke Quarry Road head north east to number 532 Reid Road, then east to the starting point at 1841 Tauranga East Road/Te Puke Highway.

All streets within the boundary stated above are in zone.

Both sides of the in-zone roads above are included unless otherwise stated.

Proof of residence within the home zone will be required.

Each year, applications for enrolment in the following year from in-zone students will be sought by a date which will be published in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school. This will enable the board to assess the number of places which can be made available to students who live outside the home zone.

Out of Zone Enrolments

Each year the board will determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The board will publish this information by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school. The notice will indicate how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which all applications must be received.

As per the enrolment scheme legislation, applications for enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority:

  • First Priority will be given to applicants for the special programme approved by the Secretary for Education.
  • Second Priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
  • Third Priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
  • Fourth Priority will be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.
  • Fifth Priority will be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.
  • Sixth Priority will be given to all other applicants.

If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth or fifth priority groups than there are places available, Selection within the priority group will be by ballot conducted in accordance with instructions by the Secretary. Under Section 11G (1) on the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.

Applicants seeking second or third priority status may be required to give proof of a sibling relationship.


Pre-enrolment Form for Ballot


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